Here are 2 special video reports (below) released today from the studios of James Blondeau on the Halifax restoration by Halifax 57 Rescue and Knox Tech for the Bomber Command Museum of Canada (BCMC).
These video reports are timed to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the RCAF today!!!.
And which aircraft flew the greatest number of combat trips in WW2 in RCAF Squadrons (not British squadrons), was it the Spitfire or the Lanc or the Wellington ??
NO — it was our beloved HALIFAX that flew 70% of all our RCAF combat! So we honour all our aircrew and ground crews of the 100 years of the RCAF by this recovery and restoration of this symbolic aircraft, symbol of VICTORY, sacrifice and honour in the RCAF and Bomber Command.
Much more is happening at BCMC today to celebrate the RCAF 100th and I must proceed over there to get displays ready for this most special day. But start with this as we continue our efforts today at BCMC.
Don’t forget the official GRAND EVENT to celebrate the RCAF 100th will be on May 3 and May 4 at BCMC, so join us in Nanton, Alberta.
Very busy with the 100th Anniversary of the RCAF events at our Museum today !
Special NEW video reports – you get to see them before anyone else here:
A] Halifax 57 Rescue – News Update – April 2024
B] Halifax 57 Rescue – Technical Report – April 2024
We cannot build up the Halifax as our ultimate tribute to our Bomber Boys without your support, PLEASE DONATE, to keep us going on the Halifax Project.
More reports today and in the coming days this week on our special 100th of the RCAF.
Hope to hear from you soon with your support, we must
“Press on regardless….”
regards, KK

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