The Project

75 years ago, the Handley Page Halifax was used as a bomber in WW2 against the axis. A limited number of Halifax aircraft survived the War, some were used as transport aircraft following the War. Eventually all were broken up and scrapped and not a single complete Halifax bomber was kept for museum or private collections. Crash sites, scrap yards, private collections and museum storage facilities are the only known source of Halifax parts. With time, patience and funding it is possible to create a Halifax bomber for display, however, it is a mammoth task given that no complete airframes survived.

We are raising funds to research, retrieve, restore, and display a Halifax aircraft. As we search for Halifax components we have also collected a significant amount of documentation related to the Halifax including details about the squadrons, crews, operations, and aircraft losses that may lead to the recovery Halifax components. We share our discoveries with the aviation community and our vision is to see another Handley Page Halifax on display to augment he existing airframes on display globally. Most importantly, we must use these efforts to remember the people who built, flew and maintained the Halifax to make sure their stories are never forgotten.


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Exhaust Ring and Engine Cowls

2 February 2025|

First, progress on the cowlings and cowl gills being installed on our Halifax Hercules engine #2 as we have been doing final adjustments on the entire engine coverings. We are within 1/4 inch on all [...]